Making A Bouquet

It can be hard, finding the perfect bouquet. There are so many thousands of flower species, and they're worth
far more than their looks. Each flower is defined by a feeling, some sort of backstory, and a meaning. You can't have
a true bouquet if you throw together flowers willy nilly into some sort of vase. To help arrangers recognize the correct
species and uses, the lists below are provided!

Funeral Bouquets

Funeral bouquets usually consist of lilies, gladioli, carnations, roses, orchids, hydrangeas, tulips, and/or daffodils.

Romantic Boquets

These usually consist of roses, pink peonies, white daisies, red tulips, red carnations, sunflowers, purple
asters, white chrysanthemums, purple lilac, pink orchids, purple iris, white stock, and/or daffodil

Wedding Bouquets

In the wedding bouquet, you'll most likely find anemone, baby's breath, calla lilies, carnations, crysanthimums,
daffodils, daisies, delphiniums, freesias, gardenias, hydrangeas, iris, and more to be listed.

What is a bouquet? Types of bouquets! More about flower meanings!